DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: what about use other aplications??

I've use DSl first in my old 486 DX2 with 36 mb of RAM, it works fine until I try to use Firefox and AMSN, these apps are very heavy, firefox takes 6 minutes to , amsn takes 3 minutes. In my pentium1 100mhz 32 mb of ram takes 26 seconds for firefox and 20 seconds for amsn but it is still too much for a distribution who says that can be instaled on a 486. not only must be small (DSL) but fast.
I think there are other apps less heavy for Linux, I 've searching in the web and found some apps who say they are "light weight" I try to install them but the dependencies makes me I quit.
for IM msn I try to install msn4lin ( www.msn4lin.com ) I install the dependencies  (gcc1.dsl and zlib) but after that  when i type configure  says: cheking for X ... configure:error: cant find X includes please check your instalation adn add the correct path.
I think  msn4lin is light than amsn but as Im new in Linux it is dificult to try and complile other apps.
for a web browser  try  put in DSL distribution Opera or light (http://www.helgefjell.de/browser.php?language=es)
and a jabber for use as talk (google IM)
I think dillo is good but not for all (I use gmail and can't loggin)
If I found other good apps and light weight I will post it
I hope sombebody help me to install msn4lin or the next dsl distribution put it in

I wasn't aware that amsn was in the distro.  I thought there was only the console messenger (naim/nirc/nicq).  If you're speaking of the myDSL extension, then that it a different story, and doesn't have anything to do with DSL itself.

If you find a browser that has the speed and size of Dillo and even half the features of Firefox or Opera, PLEASE POST! =o)
On that subject I believe all it would take to make Firefox lighter is a port to FLTK, but i guess that ain't gonna happen.

For compiling applications in DSL, try the gcc1-with-libs extension, which includes includes.

Hi Mikshaw you are right when say that amsn is in mydsl extension.
I found a pair of browser who says they are "lightweight" the first is kylie : http://siag.nu/kylie/ in it's page says:t's small, fast and cute: it's Kylie!.
the second is light 1.4.12, you can find it at this page: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/linux/timecop/  in this page says: Yet Another Mozilla-based browser. Features very simple non-bloated GTK+ interface, familiar Netscape 4.x keyboard shortcuts, context menus, etc. Tested with Mozilla 0.9.6 and newer. Supports Java/SSL/downloads/queue downloads to an external download manager. The goal of this project is to have a usable, fast browser for reading news, searching bugzilla, etc. There are no binary packages, and I do not plan to provide them anytime soon. Compiling Light from source requires Mozilla 0.9.6+ and Mozilla headers. Carefully read README and INSTALL, and read manual.html in the doc/ directory for explanation of how things are done and why. may work but this is unsupported. Bug reports are welcome, but requests to implement a Cookie Editor are not.
I didn't try any of this  browser yet.if anybody test this pease post on this topic to know how it works

original here.