DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Change of applications
Remove Firefox, Midnight Commander and Lynx,
Make Opera a MyDSL item.
Remove all editor but Beaver.
Remove XMMS as clients for DSL hardly use it for multimedia.
Add Abiword&Gnumeric, remove TED&SIAG.DSL has more user's than just you, alot of people use that other stuff. on the flip side we have asked for a DSL bare that can be added too via the dsl extentions so people can add exactly what they want.but we haven't heard anything about it yet.
DSL has more user's than just you
Thanks; I didn't know that. It cleared everything up.There was a huge debate about whether or not to add Firefox in the first place, and there are still threads being created on one side or the other fairly frequently. The decision to include it was at least partially because there is no other open source browser available which supports anywhere near as much of the multitudes of web protocols, plugins, and scripts as Firefox, while still remaining small and fast enough to be included in DSL.
Midnight Commander has also been debated, and was for a very brief time removed from DSL, with much negative feedback. The bottom line is that mc has become a fundamental part of a linux system, and is used more frequently than most other apps by many people.
Lynx does not exist in DSL.
Opera is already a mydsl item, and has been for a while. Check the uci section, or testing.
I can't disagree with you about the usefulness of Xmms in my personal life, as I hardly ever use it, but i don't agree with your reason "clients for DSL hardly use it for multimedia". DSL is intended to be a general-purpose desktop. One of the most common uses for a home desktop is multimedia.
I have no opinion of the last two apps....i don't use word processors, and have used a spreadsheet only a few times in my life.Yes, change is difficult to achieve. ;-) The first argument is alwauys: 'no change needed'. I guess we would still be on the stoneage level with that philosoophy ;-)
As DSL is supposedly built for resource weak hardware, it really isn't a combination suited for average desktop use IMHO.
I see the biggest prize being running a low powered machine as a web server (and for email). later www.opaj.info 233mHz, 2GB, 128mb, Compaq Armada 7770DMT 1997 labtop.