DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Multiboot multiplatform DSL cd

Just a silly idea, I 'd like to bookmark it here for future reference.

Just dreaming, alright. What if the 'powers that be' and the 'powers that would be' united and produced a multiboot (see:
http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/talk/node/25 ) and multiplatform cd ( á la netbsd, see:
http://netbsd.org/Documentation/bootcd.html#multiimage )?

A possible start would be i386 + amd6a, then maybe ppc?

A common core directories could be shared (non binaries: etc,home,var) , then symlinks to binaries (bin,sbin,usr,opt), and so on.

I keep on dreaming: a net install floppy, á la gentoo...

Ok, time to wake up!

original here.