DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: smarter  mkflopp

The Apps-> Tools -> Make Boot Floppy -> USB FLoppy  menu item calls the
script /usr/local/bin/mkfloppy usb. The usb argument causes the script
to use the bootfloppy-usb.img, but it always tries to write the image to
/dev/fd0. My Sony USB Floppy is detected  as /dev/sda, so I end up doing a manual dd to the correct device.

I noticed in DSL 2.1 that the procedures for making USB pendrives give one the option of choosing different devices. This would be a nice enhancement here, too.



I suppose it would probably be simple enough to add that...maybe check for a second argument, which would be the device.  This would mean having to run the script from a terminal rather than the menu.
I will add a prompt like I do in the other scripts.
Thanks for the suggestion.

original here.