DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: dMix


i like dmix very much, but is it possible to add a switch that locks the left and right fader? sometimes it is quite annoying to move both faders to quickly adjust the volume...

I guess you have jwm. (in fluxbox it's solved by the new slit)
I support your issue, even developers should place on jwm panel a link to dmix.

IŽll get that hacked in the next release.
Thank you.  I agree with struppi that it would make volume control much easier.
While it might be "solved" in fluxbox, some of us don't like having apps hanging around in the slit if they will be used only occasionally. =o)

EDIT: after a little research, i decided it no longer matters to me =o)
While umix is a bit annoying when compared to some commandline mixers (it doesn't seem to allow a +/- command), it's still very easy to control through hotkeys.  As an example, I set up some hotkeys in fluxbox to control the main volume with
"Mod3 1 :ExecCommand umix vol 10"
"Mod3 2 :ExecCommand umix vol 20"
blah blah blah
"Mod3 0 :ExecCommand umix 100"

I was accustomed to a mixer that would allow me to adjust volume using only 2 key combos, but this works just as well.

EDIT2: umix does produce errors with every use, though, which is a little irritating when you regularly watch syslog.

Actually, you can use Umix to raise the volume incrementally. Use umix channame amount+. For example, `umix pcm 10+'. This will increase the volume of pcm channel by 10.

I know, because I wrote Umix .. great that somebody still finds use for it :)

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